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Choosing A Life Coaching Program

Choosing A Life Coaching Program

     What is it about self-help, positive thinking, and motivational seminars that don’t work and why does that happen? Some of the things that need to be considered in any realistic and effective life manifestation program are:

          • The person or people providing the training, mentoring, and/or coaching needs to be masters of their own philosophies and living proof that the lessons being taught do actually work.

          • They need to be providing the information as part of their own ongoing self-manifestation. If these important factors are covered then that’s a good place to start.


     These things are obviously very important, but I’d like you to consider the following. Below are my thoughts on the first thing to consider, and what can be done to help ensure successful life manifestation. 


     Does the program cater to the individual? We are all products of our genetic makeup and social conditioning, that’s why we are where we are now, getting through life by reacting to our surroundings. There’s nothing wrong with that if we react in the way we choose and don’t have someone or something else make that choice for us.


     If a program isn’t available to us at a time and place that is truly convenient for us then chances are we will never be able to participate fully, or even complete the program. Therefore will end up right where we started! And blame the course for not working! Because then, we can justify our failure, and continue along the same road we’ve been walking for years, we know this road, and it’s familiar to us so we are comfortable here. We have just reinforced the behavior that got us where we are now. That doesn’t help us does it?


     Rewind! Why did we start the course in the first place? Answer because we aren’t comfortable where we are today! Right? If we want to change this pattern we need to be careful in choosing something or someone to help us to help ourselves. While it’s easy to understand, theoretically, that in order to make changes we have to take action and start changing the things we do, say, and think, this is akin to asking some of us to run before we can walk. It may be easy for some of us, but for others taking the suggested action in a particular book, program, or course might involve stepping too far out of our comfort zone.Therefore, a program that is personal and convenient means that we will be able to succeed at a pace that we are comfortable with, help ourselves, and this will give us success.


     As you probably know success breeds success every time we take a small action and have positive results from it we are able to realistically perceive ourselves achieving more and more. This is why I truly believe that programs that offer convenience will always be more effective than those less convenient to their users.