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5 Ways Moms Can Make Money With A Home Business

5 Ways Moms Can Make Money With A Home Business

     Home-based businesses can be a great way to get started with entrepreneurship. Has finding the right one stumped you? If you have the ability to make money by staying at home and working in your free time, are you not one very happy person? Simply read this guide and see how simple it is to undertake a home business. 

Make Money with Your Interests

     Everyone is born with a special talent that sets them apart from others. Your job is to figure out what that talent is and find a way to turn it into a business. One lady I profiled in my book, “The Stay-at-Home Mom’s Guide To Making Money” had always liked horses. When she was younger she didn’t have a horse of her own, so she would groom and feed other people’s horses just for the chance to ride. Now that she is an adult, she has turned that interest into a pet-sitting business. While she takes care of the smaller critters, she has niched herself in the area of horse care.

What Are Your Hobbies?

     Is your hobby candle making, painting portraits, or herb gardening? These are all great home businesses just waiting to happen, and you don’t necessarily have to produce these items to make money. Maybe you could start a newsletter on the subject of your hobby for others just like you. Maybe you could sell supplies to other hobbyists or businesses. Or maybe you could write a book on the subject. Once you start brainstorming you’ll be surprised at all the ideas you will come up with.


     One woman I’ve met online is now the owner of her own portrait sketching business. She actually had two other home businesses before she decided that she could make extra money drawing sketches of people. She does incredible work, and when you look at your pictures it’s hard to believe she hasn’t been doing this longer. Sometimes the business for you is right in front of you; it’s just hard to believe that someone would actually pay you to do something that comes so easily and naturally to you.

You’re Producing a Product or Service for Your Friends and Family for Free already

     I talk with moms all the time who say their family or friends are always coming to them because they are great at creating a resume, or because they can really put a nice bouquet of flowers together for special events. These are all great ideas for a home business. Seriously consider charging for these services. Let your family and friends know you are in business. They’ve already used you in the past for these things; they trust your work. They will probably enjoy spreading the word and letting other people know that you are open for business.

Go With What You Already Know A Lot About

     Maybe you enjoy your work outside the home but still want to be home with your kids, or want the flexibility and satisfaction of owning your own home business. Use your previous skills to get your business started. Teachers become tutors, secretaries become virtual assistants, and graphic artists become — graphic artists. The same can go for architects, photographers, and transcriptionists. You’ll be surprised at the number of jobs you’ve held in the past that could be the key to getting your own home business started now.

Have You Ever Thought, “Why Doesn’t Someone Start A Business?”

     Do you see the need for a particular product or service in your community? Are you trying to figure out why someone hasn’t thought of it and started providing it yet? Why can’t that someone be you? There is no reason why you shouldn’t be the one to see a need, fill it, and make money from it. You have many interests, talents, previous experiences, hobbies and good ideas just waiting to be turned into a money-making venture. Why not make your home business dreams a reality in 2023?