Strategies to Achieve Goals Quickly

Strategies to achieve goals quickly

     Achieving your goals is often a long process and because of this, people can often get discouraged and divert. Obviously, there’s no easy way to get success. However, if you are intelligent enough or take smart steps, then you can reach your goals in less time than others.Nevertheless, do not expect to do […]

Structure And The ADD/ADHD Entrepreneur

Structure And The ADD/ADHD Entrepreneur

     Running a business for an adult with ADD can lead to increased stimulation and productivity. Many ADD entrepreneurs love being their own boss and enjoy the freedom that comes with running a business. While the structure of a 9 to 5 job might not be ideal for an ADD adult, an ADD entrepreneur should establish […]

Taking Care of Yourself Abroad

Taking Care of Yourself Abroad

     Many people do not take care of their health. They think it is selfish and self-indulgent. This could not be further from the truth. My experiences have shown me that when I do take care of myself in the ways that I need to, it is only then that I am truly capable […]

The Essential Keys To Self Improvement And Motivation… Revealed!

The Essential Keys To Self Improvement and Motivation... Revealed!

     Here are 3 Important keys to Self-Improvement and Motivation: 1. Inspiration      Inspiration is THE key to staying motivated and making continual improvements in one’s life. Motivation is crucial for staying engaged in your business. If you are not interested and don’t care, your motivation level will never be high and there […]

The Attitude of Gratitude

The Attitude of Gratitude

     I’m sure it would feel great to win the lottery. Money, houses, travel – these are wonderful, but they’re not enough on their own. You need the right frame of mind to fully enjoy life. You need the attitude of gratitude. Be Grateful      Life is better when you feel blessed, when you […]

The 3 Keys to Creating Spiritual Growth

The 3 Keys to Creating Spiritual Growth

     The success of such films as “Eat, Pray, and Love” reveals that we are more in touch with our spirituality than we are often prepared to admit to ourselves. Increasing numbers of people are deciding to take a path of spiritual discovery, exploring a side of our humanity that for many of us […]

The New #1 Superfood: The Most Powerful Antioxidant Known In The World

The New #1 Superfood: The Most Powerful Antioxidant Known In The World

     There has been a groundbreaking discovery in the field of health and nutrition. It is the anti-aging and health re-vitalizing power of a little Brazilian fruit, now declared the new #1 superfood: the acai berry. Before this recent finding, the blueberry was acclaimed as the most nutrient-rich food. It had been recognized for its […]

The Power of Imagining Yourself Achieving Your Goals

The Power of Imagining Yourself Achieving Your Goals

     How confident do you feel today? Probably like most people, you are feeling a little less self-confident about at least one thing in your life. That is perfectly normal, especially if our life experiences are taking us a little out of our comfort zone.  The problem arises when low self-esteem and feelings of […]

There is no place like now

There is no place like now

     In today’s culture, people are often running around concerned with where they will be in the future. They are so busy filling their present lives with busy work tasks that it causes them to forget the importance of living in the moment. Sometimes we feel the need for a change to happen in […]